Couple of configuration options can project mess up mainly if it is not clear which serves for what. The CMSIS Configuration Wizard Annotations markup and CMSIS Configuration Wizard Annotations plugin makes configuration work easier. First you need to have some … Continue reading
Easy to use
All features are controlled through GUI gadgets. Does not require knowledge of special commands.
All features are controlled through GUI gadgets. Does not require knowledge of special commands.
Simple setup
Just select appropriate target device compile your app for it and start debugging with just single click.
Just select appropriate target device compile your app for it and start debugging with just single click.
Multiple panes
Separate panes used for accessing specific app data. Pane layouts are preserved on debug session exit.
Separate panes used for accessing specific app data. Pane layouts are preserved on debug session exit.
Edit everything
When program is stopped you can edit data values with double click on it.
When program is stopped you can edit data values with double click on it.
On program stops or value edits the data are highlighted for changed values.
On program stops or value edits the data are highlighted for changed values.
Customizable coloring separately for every pane.
Customizable coloring separately for every pane.
You are not alone. Included in the price of the license.
You are not alone. Included in the price of the license.
Debug adapters
No external scripts or tools required to configure debug adapters. Everything solved through interactive dialogs.
No external scripts or tools required to configure debug adapters. Everything solved through interactive dialogs.
Disassembly pane
Get machine code instructions of your STM32 application.
Get machine code instructions of your STM32 application.
Registers pane
See what is the context of your STM32 micro in every moment.
See what is the context of your STM32 micro in every moment.
Watches pane
Look at variable values.
Look at variable values.
Breakpoints & watchpoints pane
Points where execution of your program are stopped.
Points where execution of your program are stopped.
Memory pane
Examine contents of onboard memory devices.
Examine contents of onboard memory devices.
Peripherals panel
Built-in peripherals device status.
Built-in peripherals device status.
Stack panel
Subroutine nestings.
Subroutine nestings.
Locals panel
What automatic variables living now.
What automatic variables living now.
From our blog
Using STM32CubeMX project wizard inside Code::Blocks
The STM32CubeMX tool allows to generate wide variety of projects for STM32 microcontrollers. Here we are introducing how to use it in conjunction with Code::Blocks IDE. To get connected the STM32CubeMX and Code::Blocks IDE we need to install plugin stm32cubemx.cbplugin … Continue reading
Building STM32Cube projects using Code::Blocks
First must mention that ST does not prefer Code::Blocks for developing embedded device projects. The IDE despite of this drawback is usable for building available STM32Cube projects. Solution is importer plugin. As first step the STM32Cube Eclipse project importer plugin … Continue reading